It is a surgical procedure of ear drum where a small incision is made in the drum to relieve excess pressure and discomfort caused by accumulation of fluid/pus in the middle ear cavity.
A small tube is sometimes inserted which allows adequate aeration of middle ear and prevents re-collection of fluid. The tube gets self extruded in 6-12 months or is removed by the ENT surgeon during a secondary minor procedure.
Without insertion of the tube, the incision heals itself within 3-4 weeks.
Ossiculoplasty involves reconstruction of the ossicular chain (Malleus, Incus & Stapes) with an aim to improve hearing.
Indications for this surgery are patients with decreased hearing as a result of pathology in the ossicular chain (discontinuity, fixation, trauma, infection or prior surgical attempt).
Various materials are used for reconstruction, and can either be a biological tissues (bone or cartilage) from the same person or an prosthetic material (Titanium, Teflon etc).
Otosclerosis is a hearing disorder that causes impaired hearing as a result of fixation of the stapes bone due to deposition of abnormal bone. Stapedotomy involves removal of part of the fixed stapes bone and replacing it with a prosthesis to restore the sound conduction mechanism.
It is more prevalent in women during the child bearing age and gets aggravated during pregnancy.
Facial nerve is a vital nerve with multitude of functions including facial expression, taste sensation of tongue, tearing of eyes and salivation in mouth.
Lower facial nerve can be compressed during trauma, infection or following surgeries around/ in the ear.
Such situation requires an immediate intervention by an experienced ENT surgeon and earliest surgical decompression of the nerve to prevent irreversible nerve damage.