Ear Surgeries

Endoscopic Ear Surgery

  • In the last decade, there has been an increase in the use of endoscopes in ear surgeries, not just as an adjunct method, but exclusively.
  • Endoscope provides a wider panoramic view thereby allowing for a better access to deeper and narrower spaces in the ear.
  • The use of endoscope has made ear surgeries minimally invasive resulting in early and speedy recovery.

Auroplasty / Ear Lobe Repair

  • It is a cosmetic surgery of ear lobe and indicated for an elongated hole of the ear lobe or a split/torn ear lobe.
  • Patient with defect following trauma or use of heavy ear jewelry are the most suitable candidate for this procedure. 
  • It is often done on an outpatient/clinic basis with local numbing of the ear lobe (local anesthesia) and generally takes around 30-45 minutes. 
  • This procedure is simple and yields good result.


  • It is a surgical procedure of ear drum where a small incision is made in the drum to relieve excess pressure and discomfort caused by accumulation of fluid/pus in the middle ear cavity. 
  • A small tube is sometimes inserted which allows adequate aeration of middle ear and prevents re-collection of fluid. The tube gets self extruded in 6-12 months or is removed by the ENT surgeon during a secondary minor procedure. 
  • Without insertion of the tube, the incision heals itself within 3-4 weeks.


  • Repeated middle ear infections or trauma can result in a perforation of the ear drum.
  • Tympanoplasty involves surgical repair of perforated ear drum with or without reconstruction of middle ear bones (ossiculoplasty). 
  • It can be performed using an endoscope or microscope. 
  • With the advent of endoscopes it is now possible to do a scarless tympanoplasty.


  • Ossiculoplasty involves reconstruction of the ossicular chain (Malleus, Incus & Stapes) with an aim to improve hearing. 
  • Indications for this surgery are patients with decreased hearing as a result of pathology in the ossicular chain (discontinuity, fixation, trauma, infection or prior surgical attempt). 
  • Various materials are used for reconstruction, and can either be a biological tissues (bone or cartilage) from the same person or an prosthetic material (Titanium, Teflon etc).


  • Mastoid bone is a part of skull and is situated behind the ear. It consists of air cells with a “honeycomb” appearance. 
  • Mastoidectomy involves eradication of the disease in the mastoid air cells and also the middle ear (extension of the disease). 
  • The goal of the surgery is to make the ear safe from complications by clearing the disease.

Stapedectomy (Stapedotomy)

  • Otosclerosis is a hearing disorder that causes impaired hearing as a result of fixation of the stapes bone due to deposition of abnormal bone. Stapedotomy involves removal of part of the fixed stapes bone and replacing it with a prosthesis to restore the sound conduction mechanism. 
  • It is more prevalent in women during the child bearing age and gets aggravated during pregnancy.

Facial Nerve Decompression

  • Facial nerve is a vital nerve with multitude of functions including facial expression, taste sensation of tongue, tearing of eyes and salivation in mouth. 
  • Lower facial nerve can be compressed during trauma, infection or following surgeries around/ in the ear. 
  • Such situation requires an immediate intervention by an experienced ENT surgeon and earliest surgical decompression of the nerve to prevent irreversible nerve damage.