Blog Posts
Tonsillitis: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
Tonsillitis: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Tonsillitis is the inflammation of the two oval-shaped pad of tissues present on both sides at the back of the throat. They function as a defense mechanism to protect the body from infections. Most tonsillitis cases are caused by infection from a virus or certain
An Insight on Endoscopic Ear Surgeries
An Insight on Endoscopic Ear Surgeries Some of the smallest structures that can be operated on in the human body are in the ear. For example, the eardrum is 0.1 mm thick, and the middle ear bones (ossicles) are the smallest in the body. These bones are so small in
Ear Care During Pandemic
Ear Care During Pandemic 1. Improper use of face masks While wearing face masks has become imperative for containing the spread of corona virus, wearing it for prolonged periods especially ones with short and tight loops can cause constant pressure on the skin behind the ear leading to pain and
What makes Tinnitus better & worse ?
What makes Tinnitus better & worse ? Tinnitus is the term for a ringing or buzzing noise in your ears. Tinnitus is not a disease — it’s a symptom of an underlying condition, such as age-related hearing loss, ear injury or a circulatory system disorder. Though tinnitus is an irritating
Deviated Nasal Septum & Septoplasty – What you need to know
Deviated Nasal Septum & Septoplasty – What you need to know Nasal surgery can be classified as Cosmetic (Rhinoplasty) & Functional (Septoplasty), more often when patient is a candidate for both in one sitting ,combined surgery is called Septorhinoplasty. In this blog ,we are going to focus on only Septoplasty
Toddler Snoring – A Matter of Concern ?
Toddler Snoring – A Matter of Concern ? Snoring is not just a nuisance in adults but it is a matter of serious concern in children too. Yes! You read it correctly. Children’s also do snore. Approximately 10% of children snore regularly and the most common cause for the same
Earache in Children
Earache in Children Earaches are common particularly in young children. It can be worrying, but is not usually a sign of anything serious. Children between the ages of six months and two years old are more prone to ear infections than older children and adults because of their undeveloped immune
Frequently Asked Questions on Novel Coronavirus
Frequently Asked Questions on Novel Coronavirus Novel Coronavirus is the most concerning topic globally & talked about and in media and Individuals infected with coronavirus suffer from a disease called COVID-19. Coronavirus, which spreads like flu, has originated from Wuhan district, China and affected over 110 countries worldwide. It is
Nosebleeds A nosebleed, or epistaxis, can happen anytime when you’re driving, after a shower or while you’re sleeping! It is a scary feeling & lots of thoughts cross one’s mind especially if it’s a kid. What causes nosebleeds? Nosebleeds are usually triggered by the tiny breaks in the lining of
Silent Reflux / Throat Acidity
LPR – Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) also known as SILENT REFLUX / THROAT ACIDITY is a condition in which digestive juices (acid) that are secreted in the stomach travel up the esophagus (swallowing tube) and get to the throat. The symptoms of Laryngopharyngeal reflux are felt in the throat
Hearing Loss In Elderly Population Increases Risk Of Alzheimer’s Disease
HEARING LOSS IN ELDERLY POPLULATION INCREASES RISK OF ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE Take a quick quiz! Do you often ask people to repeat themselves? Do you complain that people are always mumbling? Do you face problem following conversations with more than 2 people? Have people complained that you listen to the TV
Does your ear get blocked when flying ?
Does your ear get blocked when flying ? In recent times Air travel has become a common travelling mode. An otherwise smooth journey can become distressing when we experience unpleasant sensation in the ears. During take-off and landing of the airplane, you may feel a slight ear block/pain, muffled hearing.
Scarless Ear Surgery
Scarless Ear Surgery In the last decade, there has been an increase in the use of endoscopes in ear surgeries, not just as an adjunct method, but exclusively. Endoscope provides a wider panoramic view thereby allowing for a better access to deeper and narrower spaces in the ear. The use
Is Ear wax good for the ears ?
Is Ear wax good for the ears ? Ear Wax is a natural secretion like sweat. It is useful as it:● Traps dust, bacteria & other germs & prevents them from entering and damaging your ear.● Protects the skin of your ear canal from becoming irritated by water.● The peculiar
Do you suffer from Excessive Sneezing ?
Do you suffer from Excessive Sneezing ? What causes allergic rhinitis?Allergic rhinitis occurs when your immune system reacts in response to certain allergens. The word ‘’allergy’’ means an altered reactivity of the body to otherwise harmless environmental substances. Some common allergens triggering allergic rhinitis are –• Dust mites• Grass pollen•
Did you know ?
Did you know ? Hearing ability is important for children to develop speech and language skills as they grow. In the past, hearing loss in children often went undetected until the child was around two years old, when it became obvious that he or she wasn’t talking yet. Research has
80% of all deafness is avoidable
80% of all deafness is avoidable Hearing is the process by which the ear transforms sound vibrations from the external environment into nerve impulses that are conveyed to the brain where they are interpreted as sound.Hearing loss is described by which portion(s) of the ear is involved: conductive, sensorineural &
Why do you get nose blocks ?
Why do you get nose blocks ? Nasal blockage makes your breathing uncomfortable and is quite distressing if it lasts for a longer duration. The commonest cause of nasal block is cold or flu.The other causes include Allergic rhinitis, Sinusitis, Deviated nasal septum, Trauma to the nose, Polyps, Benign masses
Benefits of Nasal Irrigation
Benefits of Nasal Irrigation Nasal irrigation with salt water (saline) is also called nasal wash, rinse, douche or lavage. It is a personal hygiene practice in which patient’s nasal cavity is washed with saline water to flush out debris and mucus. The earliest record of nasal irrigation practice is found
All you need to know about Hearing Aids
All you need to know about Hearing Aids What are hearing aids?Hearing aids are the electronic devices designed to improve the hearing of a person with hearing loss by amplifying the environmental sounds. Hearing Aid Uses?Hearing aids are recommended for patients who develop deafness due to various causes, commonest of
Fungal Infection of the Ear
Fungal Infection of the Ear Otomycosis is a fungal infection in the outer ear. People most likely to be affected are those who live in warm, tropical countries and those who participate in water sports. Other risk factors include trauma to the ear from cotton swabs & diabetes mellitus. Patients